Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Bake Sale was amazing!

Today we had an amazing bake sale! There were all kinds of goodies and wristbands being sold. It was a busy and exciting day! I would like to thank everyone that came out to buy a goodie or two or three and wristbands.
You are all amazing and I am blessed to share this journey with you!!! I couldn't have done without all your help and goodie donations! I am going to attempt everyone and if I forget you I am sorry it is not on purpose, but I'm excited. Of course Tammy, Jessee, Ma, Laura, Casey, Elizabeth, Rachelle, Edye, Val, Sara, Glenna (Seeds of Light) and anyone else I that may have slipped my mind. Because of you and endingout your friends and family old co-workers and sweat equity we raised just over $200 to go to The Lance Armstrong Foundation to help fight cancer.
Many-many-many thank yous!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Do you have an email address? I am the girl that took your picture downtown this weekend. I am glad your sale went good. I want to email you the pictures I took of you. Good luck in your journey. Both of my grandfathers have had cancer, one died from it. My email is
