Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Did you mention race anxiety?

Hello! Welcome to another podcast and today we are going to look at race anxiety and a few ways to help work through those unexplained but very real times.

Music -Shayna Zaid and the Catch

A Walk For Sunshine by Jeff Alt -

Born to Run by Chris McDougal -

You can find other blog posts and in

formation at There you can also link to me via Twitter. Please let me know what you think, what you want to hear about or if you do not want to hear anything else. You can also email me at

Thanks for Listening!

004_D_001_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_2010_10_20_003_C_001_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_2010_10_20_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_c.mp3 Listen on Posterous

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Never Say Never and I am Wearing Vibram 5 Fingers

Show notes are found at

Join me as I talk about my experience and the things I have learned while wearing Vibram Five Fngers. Thank you for listening! This episode discusses the Vibram 5 Finger sand the hot button topic of barefoot running and being barefoot. Well more of my personal experience and what I have learned in the process and some resources I have gone to in assisting me in this conversion.

004_D_001_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_2010_10_20_003_C_001_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_2010_10_20_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_c.mp3 Listen on Posterous

Never Say Never and I am Wearing Vibram 5 Fingers

Show notes are found at

Join me as I talk about my experience and the things I have learned while wearing Vibram Five Fngers. Thank you for listening! This episode discusses the Vibram 5 Finger sand the hot button topic of barefoot running and being barefoot. Well more of my personal experience and what I have learned in the process and some resources I have gone to in assisting me in this conversion.

004_D_001_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_2010_10_20_003_C_001_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_2010_10_20_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_c.mp3 Listen on Posterous

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy St Patrick's Day

Intro Music by Shayna Zaid and the Catch found at

More on the Vibram Five Fingers in the next episode. For now,

US toughest Road

I did speak incorrectly in Roanoke you can find Vibram Five Fingers at Walk About Sport, but mine were purchased in Charlottesville, VA at Blue Ridge Mountain Sports.

Talk to you again soon. You can find more at

004_D_001_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_2010_10_20_003_C_001_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_2010_10_20_Intro_More_Than_A_Ride_c.mp3 Listen on Posterous

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Years Resolutions

We have all done it, do it or planning it. A New Year’s Resolution to lose weight, to once and for all be skinny or however you phrase it. I know I have done the same thing and still in the process of losing weight or getting healthy. I prefer the term releasing the weight that I no longer need and creating a healthier me.
Here is why I phrase it this way. If I lose something, then my subconscious might say “heck, what did she lose? Weight, well goodness we can’t lose something. Here it is back and here is some more in case you lose it again”. Sound familiar? How many of us can say, “I’m really good at losing weight, I’m not really good at keeping it off”? This is why I say that I am letting go of the weight I do not need any more.
Why did I need it in the first place? I was unaware that I needed it, but created the protection for whatever reason. If I have extra fat around me then, nobody can hurt my feelings. I will fill the void with food. I do not have to feel anything if I distract myself with food. I cannot have what I want and I want this candy bar so I am going to eat it, because I can have this. These are all the emotional things that I subconsciously thought while mindlessly eating.
This year maybe try on a different New Year’s Resolution. “Each week I am going to positively improve some part of myself”. This goes deeper than improving the outside appearance. Because many of us who are obese, morbidly obese or overweight are that way for a reason and it is not just because we like food. It is because we have an emotional thing going on.
Here are a few of things to look at for your monthly, weekly or even daily goals in creating that over all positive improvement of yourself in 2011:
1. I will give myself an opportunity to help in my community for 4 hours of my month over to a non-profit. You can donate 4 hours of wages or go do volunteer work.
2. I will give myself a healthy new food to try each month.
3. I will give myself permission to be loved.
4. I will give myself a new outlook about work this week.
5. I will read once a month a book on spirituality
6. I will allow someone to help me.
In the end our health is not limited to the outside of our body. It is our body, mind and spirit that make up our total package of who we are. By looking at our weight as something we do not need as protection or a filler to mask something, then we are better able to let it go and keep it away. After all our health is not limited to our physical appearance it is about the inside and out.
This year how about making your New Year’s Resolution to be more interactive and not just mentioning that this is what I want the end product to be, but to set different steps to achieve that goal. It is easy to say this is what I want, but without smaller bench marks along the way it is easy to lose sight of the bigger goal or to know there is a deeper reason behind our actions. Sometimes what we are looking at is not really what we are trying to fix in the first place.

New stuff to be announced soon!