Friday, May 29, 2009

climbing to find a cure

A couple of months ago I took a rock climbing class with Tammy and our friend Jessica. None of us have ventured outdoors to climb rocks or mountain sides in the wilderness, but it proved to be a great strentghening form of excercise. It helps also to build confidence and forces you to stretch beyond what you think you can, physically and mentally.

Now here is why I mention this now. If you're a climber, day hiker or might blue-green algae in your backyard, you can participte in cancer research. Yep Megan Sturdy is studying different strains of blue-green algae, which is often found off the beaten path in rock crevacies and other remote areas.

If you're interested in assisting; your free collection kit can be obtained through Climbing for Cancer Research. She is hosting a climbing benefit June 6th at the the Red River Gorge, KY in the Muir Valley area.

*Thanks Blue Ridge Outdoors for this interesting tidbit of knowledge.

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